Get developing on our API!

apiAround about 10 months ago we launched the PollDaddy API internally. Over time we allowed a few of our partners to start developing on it, and low and behold a staggering 68% of all content created on PollDaddy now come through the API. Today we are launching it to the wider public. To get started, if you haven’t already done so, you need to create an account on PollDaddy. Then you can request an API key.

Once you have all of this in place, head on over to pbwiki to see our API documentation.

So what can you do with our API? Well for the moment it covers our poll functionality. You can create and manage polls though the API which means you can give these great features to users on your own site. We would love to hear your ideas and what you would like to build. Let us know if there is any way that we can help!

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