Flash poll embeds to be discontinued April 15th, 2012

Heads up! Effective April 15th, 2012, Polldaddy will discontinue Flash as an embed method for polls for all paid customers. Originally, we implemented Flash as a fallback option in cases where customers were unable to use JavaScript to embed their polls. Over the last few years, more and more services have begun to support JavaScript embeds, and fewer and fewer users have turned to the Flash method to embed their polls. Flash polls have been discontinued as an embed method for all free users.

Any Flash polls created before April 15th, 2012 will continue to function as expected. No new polls may use the Flash embed method after April 15th, 2012. Here’s how you can embed ratings into Blogger, using the Blogger Gadget, and some information on how to embed polls and ratings into Tumblr.

If you need help to embed your poll or rating using JavaScript, please write to us at support[at]polldaddy[dot]com.

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